☀️🦶🍑 Just a woman exploring myself and new comfort levels, while trying to save for a little spot of beach in Jamaica 🏝 I enjoy the live interactions and DM convos! Join me on my journey!💦
✨Learning Myself, My Angles, and My Spots. 😉
Morning Guys!
First I want to say THANK YOU to those of you here! Thank you for liking my feet and cheeks enough to pay the subscription price! 🥰
I am by no means a model, porn star, have a huge social media presence, or even like having my picture taken. I want to become 100% comfortable with who I am and who I want to be. I don’t see myself they way others seem me. My hope is to one day look at myself and see the beautiful woman you guys say you see.
I’ve always been a late bloomer in life and this part seems to be no exception. But I know some of the rarest, prettiest flowers take years to bloom, maybe that’s me. 🌸🌺🌸
Anyone want to have any fun this weekend?
Hey Guys!
I have been excited cuz my son is here visiting!! I have missed him so much!!
I will also have a 4 day weekend fir the 4th holiday! Lmk if we can play any later. 😉